Baldwin City Economic Development Corporation
The purpose of this non-profit organization is to promote commercial and residential stability and growth in our community. Our community is defined as the Baldwin City School District. Promotional areas of interest will be anything that falls into the following categories: * Creates employment in our community * Increases the tax base and/or valuations in our community * Increases tourism in our community * Improves the quality of life in our community * Assists start up businesses in getting established * Assists existing businesses with expansions or improvements The Baldwin City Economic Development Corp. will pool money, expertise, time and resources to have a unified effort to promote economic development for our community. Communication lines will be set up and utilized between the Baldwin City Economic Development Corp., City of Baldwin City, Baldwin City Chamber of Commerce, Baldwin City School District, Baker University and the and the Lawrence and Ottawa Chambers of Commerce to provide networking opportunities that will be beneficial for our community.
Services Provided
Advocacy & Public Policy
- Business Issues Related to a Specific City
- Community Involvement
Financial Resources & Assistance
- Assistance in Finding Debt Funding
- Assistance in Finding Equity Funding
- Consulting
Economic & Property Development
- Consulting
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