Chanute Main Street

Assist in areas relating to business start-up, retention, design asistance and promoting businesses.


Main Street Chanute operates under the four point approach within the four following committees: 1. Organization- They work on building consensus and cooperation among groups that have an important stake in the district. They identify sources of funding, promotes volunteers and promotes the organization. 2. Promotion – We sell the image and promise of Main Street to all prospects. We market the district’s unique characteristics to shoppers, investors and visitors, through advertising, retail promotional activities and special events carried out by local volunteers. 3. Design- We enhance the visual quality of downtown through attention to all elements of the physical environment. We create this through window displays, signs, sidewalks, street lights, landscaping and the buildings themselves. 4. Economic Restructuring- We help existing businesses expand and recruit new ones to respond to today’s market.

Services Provided

Advocacy & Public Policy

  • Community Involvement

Financial Resources & Assistance

  • Assistance in Finding Debt Funding
  • Loan Providers

Economic & Property Development

  • Revitalization
Contact Information
Ruthann Boatwright
4 East Main
Chanute, KS 66720
(620) 431-6808