City of Lyons

The City of Lyons is interested in helping the City of Lyons grow through the utilization of incentives and through the strategic targets established in the Community Comprehensive Plan.


The City of Lyons has completed the comprehensive plan, consisting of major areas of concern. These areas of concern include Economic Development, Housing, transportation, public services and facilities, community growth and development, open space and recreation, and environment quality. Within these categories, goals and objectives and standard outline quality parameters for the comprehensive planning program were established. The City of Lyons also offers many economic incentives, including free lots for manufacturing and housing uses, neighborhood revitalization programs, including tax rebates. We host of variety of meetings, conferences and provide educational materials to help businesses succeed, The City of Lyons also participates in many conferences to help learn more about other programs the department of commerce or other entities are holding.

Services Provided

Regulatory Compliance

  • Licenses
  • Permits
Contact Information
Audree Aguilera
217 East Avenue South
Lyons, KS 67554
(620) 257-3743