Downtown Augusta Inc.

preserving the historical and cultural fabric of Augusta,revitalize retail business trade,return the downtown to the core of our community through a unified community partnership reaching a common goal.


We are a Main Street city working under the Kansas Dept of Commerce. A non-profit corporation funded by banks and business owners through memberships. 1 staff member and a board of volunteers. We reach out to existing businesses with encouragement, design guidlines for facades and 50% grants to acomplish facade renovation. We also provide a locating service for new and existing businesses to find storefront buildings. We offer counseling to existing businesses on marketing and management. We help new Businesses with counseling from concept through a turn-key opening of their store and to marketing advice beyond. We try to generate an image of Augusta businesses and historical attributes that excels in customer service and satisfaction. We are working to brand the downtown and do cooperative advertising for all stores as a package.We operate one large festival and several smaller events desighed to bring people to the Downtown in Augusta.

Services Provided

Advocacy & Public Policy

  • Community Involvement

Financial Resources & Assistance

  • Assistance in Finding Debt Funding
  • Loan Providers

Economic & Property Development

  • Revitalization
Contact Information
Lisa Jeter
112 East 6th Ave
Augusta, KS 67010