City of Chanute

The City of Chanute, a full-service municipal utility City, works with new & existing businesses for job & capital investment opportunities with a comprehensive set of assistance programs.


The City of Chanute works with new & existing businesses for increased job opportunities for our citizens & capital investment opportunities for the Community. The City of Chanute is a full-service City offering competitive & reliable electric, gas, water, wastewater, refuse collection, landfill &, most recently, communications services. The City of Chanute has a comprehensive set of incentives & assistance programs to assist our businesses & businesses new to the Community. These programs enhance the array of programs offered by the State of Kansas. The City partners effectively with the Chanute Area Chamber of Commerce, USD #413, Neosho County Community College & the State of Kansas.

Services Provided

Regulatory Compliance

  • Licenses
  • Permits
Contact Information
Jeff Cantrell
101 South Lincoln
Chanute, KS 66720
(620) 431-5238