The Southeast Kansas Local Area V workforce center system is designed to provide a full range of services and assistance opportunities to job seekers and employers under one roof.


Established under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, our centers offer referrals to employment, work-based learning opportunities, career counseling, job listings, recruitment and incentive services to employers, access to training programs and similar employment-related services.

We also have Business Service teams comprised of professionals who work directly with employers to meet their specific staffing needs at no cost. Services available to employers include online posting of job vacancies, screening of applicants, job seeker resume searches, individual hiring events and job fairs, access to interview space within local offices, video conferencing accessibility for long distance interviews, and Rapid Response assistance to employers dealing with layoffs or company closure.

Services Provided

Management Issues & Training

  • Recruiting Assistance
Contact Information
Irene Brennon
1 S. Pearl
Suite A
Paola, KS 66071
(913) 937-9463