City of Clyde

Assists clients with business start-ups, transitions, and growth plans by linking them to resources and paving the way for them in Clyde.


Clears Obstacles to doing business in Clyde, create support structures, direct business people to the services they need, and help them realize their dreams. Started by interviewing the 70 business owners in Clyde. Our 20-year-old development group has sponsored marketing and computer workshops, and hosts community planning forums. We’ve created a micro-loan guarantee fund. An active Chamber of Commerce raises and disperses funds for economic development. THe Clyde Area Foundation and Wood Trust have $525,000 in endowed funds. Volunteerism is high and credited with the re-making of our downtown in a year and a half.

Services Provided

Regulatory Compliance

  • Licenses
  • Permits
Contact Information
Terry Koch
412 Washington
Clyde, KS 66938
(785) 446-3374