

NetWork Kansas’ Impact Investment Center staff is available to help entrepreneurs and small business owners access business-building resources from our non-profit partners.

We’re available by phone and email to help you navigate through our partner resources in a number of areas of business assistance.

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Resource Navigator

657 items in 66 page(s)

1 Million Cups - Manhattan

We are the Manhattan chapter of 1 Million Cups, an initiative by the Kauffman Foundation to engage, educate, and connect entrepreneurs at the community level.

1 Million Cups - Wichita

Based on the notion that entrepreneurs discover solutions and engage with their communities over a million cups of coffee, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation developed 1 Million Cups in 2012—a free program designed to educate, engage and inspire entrepreneurs around the country. Through the power of volunteers, 1 Million Cups has grown to more than 180 communities.

As a program of the Kauffman Foundation, 1 Million Cups works with entrepreneurs, empowering them with the tools and resources to break down barriers that stand in the way of starting and growing their businesses. Mr. Kauffman believed it was a fundamental right for anyone who had a big idea to be able to bring it to life—and we're here to fulfill that mission.

1 Million Cups Lawrence

Every Wednesday morning at 9:00am we hear from a local entrepreneur. You can come as a guest or if you are interested in presenting, we can get you signed up! If you follow the 1MC Facebook page, you will see our lineup of events and updates.

Accelerate Venture Partners

We are a collaborative group of active investors from diverse professional and industry backgrounds investing in early stage, high potential companies in Wichita and the Midwest. Providing more than just money, we bring connections, knowledge, mentoring and operational assistance to bold early-stage entrepreneurs with game-changing ideas.

Advanced Learning Library

The Advanced Learning Library is the largest and newest Wichita Public Library facility. Its features include meeting spaces that can be used after hours, spaces designed for distinct youth age groups from birth to teens, an audiovisual studio, a number of formal and informal collaboration spaces, and power throughout the building with the capacity to charge mobile devices.


Advantage Manhattan is an aggressive, economic development business expansion and attraction program designed to raise necessary funds to develop and implement the Chamber’s increased economic development initiatives for the next five years.


AgKansitions is here to provide you with the access to the Kansas LandLink Program, book a one-on-one consultation, and look for professionals in your area to help with the transition process. We are excited you are here and hope to help you take the next step in planning for the future.


The safety team is committed to providing a safe and productive working setting for the Plains Area personnel, ensuring the maintenance of environment quality, and support the research mission of the Agricultural Research Service. Provided services include continual training opportunities and technical support in safety and environmental issues for Location Directors, Research Leaders, Scientists, and Technicians.


Founded in 2011, Aligned assembled key civic leaders, businesses and dedicated community leaders to strategically focus to ensure businesses and policymakers work together to foster students’ achievement and economic development.

Allen County Community Foundation

The Allen County Community Foundation helps to build and strengthen the community, bringing together people and organizations that want to make a difference in Allen County.

Allen County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Altamont Community Improvement Association

The Altamont Community Improvement Association was chartered in the late 1950’s to bring a new doctor to town. It has the 501C3 which they operate under.

Altamont E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.


Our mission is to be a catalyst for investments in capital starved communities in Kansas City through innovative financing products, targeted small business and economic development programming, and the development of strategic partnerships that promote economic growth and empowerment.

Anderson County Development Agency

We are a countywide economic development organization.

Anderson County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Argonia Area Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber is in its beginning state, so a further description is not available at this time.

Arkansas City Area Chamber of Commerce

The Arkansas City Area Chamber of Commerce is a member-driven organization empowered by its membership to promote economic & community development in the city & the region.


ArtsConnect offers resources and programs to support individuals engaged in the arts, specializes in technical support for public art projects and has a gallery space that is available for use by various artist-led events that are open to the public.

Asian American Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City

Promoting & fostering relationships between members of the chamber, local & national corporations, & the general public

Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce

The mission of the Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce is “To foster the prosperity of Atchison businesses, to enhance the quality of life and to focus on promotion of Atchison as a great place to live, work, raise a family and visit.”

Atchison County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Augusta E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Augusta Progress, Inc.

API's mission is to encourage economic activity by attracting, retaining, assisting, and expanding business in the Augusta community.

Baker University Economic Development Office (BEDO Lab)

The BEDO Lab, an entrepreneurship and data analytics free consultation space, is housed in the Department of Business and Economics, located in Mabee 302.

Baldwin City Chamber of Commerce

The Baldwin City Chamber of Commerce provides leadership, promotes and influences economic vitality and enhances quality of life to benefit our community.

Baldwin City Economic Development Corporation

Assist in financial analysis of business.

Barber County Development, Inc.

Our mission is to facilitate economic growth and development by bringing together the people, the businesses, and the communities of Barber County in order to protect our heritage and to act as one voice for our communities.

Barton County Economic Development

As Barton County economic development director I provide help and guidance to those requesting assistance relating to economic development projects.</p>

Battaglear, Charles Corey

The Innovative Business Resource Center was created to provide business mentoring and incubation services for area businesses. Mentoring is provided by local/area volunteers.

Belle Plaine Community Foundation

Belle Plaine Community Foundation creates a stronger future for our area by building endowments, providing informed leadership and connecting donors to the critical needs of the region.

Belleville Chamber & Main Street

The Belleville Main St. Program is a not for profit organization dedicated to uniting our community, capitalizing on our unique talents to revitalize and preserve our downtown area and to enhance the quality of life and overall economic health of our community for future generations.


Across the human, plant, animal and industrial biosciences, BioKansas is focused on enhancing the business and research climate and working with leaders across the state to attract and retain bioscience talent, companies and funding.

Bird City Century II Development Foundation

Provides assistance with business plan development and provides low-interest loans for business development.

Black Entrepreneurs of the Flint Hills

EMPOWER, EQUIP & CONNECT black business owners in the FLINT HILLS with resources to BUILD stronger businesses to positively IMPACT our community.

BlaKCK MarQet Inc.

BlaKCK MarQet Inc. is a minority owned business ran by three African American women.


Boots to Business (B2B) is an entrepreneurial education and training program offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as part of the Department of Defense Transition Assistance Program (TAP).

The Boots to Business course provides an overview of entrepreneurship and applicable business ownership fundamentals. Active Duty Service members (including National Guard and Reserve), Veterans of all eras, and spouses are eligible to participate.

Bourbon County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Burden Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development

Burden Chamber is an organization of local businesses supporting and assisting one another.

Butler County Economic Development

Butler County Economic Development exists to expand the tax base and sustain growth in employment & commercial development.

Butler Workforce Center

Assists in promoting local businesses and matching job seekers with available positions.

Capital Access Center at the SBDC

The Capital Access Center is a free loan consulting service that partners with the Kansas SBDC centers.

Center for Economic Development and Business Research

CEDBR provides customized market research, economic/fiscal impacts, and insights on regional and national economy.

Center for Entrepreneurship (Wichita State University)

The Center for Entrepreneurship (CFE) is part of the W. Frank Barton School of Business and is housed in Devlin Hall. The Center encourages entrepreneurial thinking and programming through quality education, research and community involvement. We offer training programs for established business owners and for individuals considering launching new businesses or ventures. Economic Development and Community Outreach ? Kansas Family Business Forum ? The Entrepreneurship Forum Series ? FastTrac Training Programs ? Entrepreneur Development Programs ? Incubator ? Meridian 6

Center of Entrepreneurial Indigenous Prosperity

Our focus is encouraging entrepreneurial spirit and helping grow existing businesses that will create jobs in the region and all-over Indian Country.

Central Kansas Community Foundation

CKCF acts as a steward, protecting your charitable dollars and watching out for your interests even after you’re gone. We get to know you, as well as your philanthropic interests and concerns, in order to ensure that the gift you leave to your community through the foundation is always used in the manner you intended, and to the best possible effect.

Chanute Community Foundation

The Chanute Community Foundation is a means to improve the quality of life of the residents in Chanute.

Chanute Main Street

Assist in areas relating to business start-up, retention, design asistance and promoting businesses.

Chanute Regional Development Authority

Assist with business start-ups, expansion, relocation and retention.

Chapman Economic Development Committee

Chapman EDC assists with business development.

Chase County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Chautauqua County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Cherokee County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Cherokee County Economic Development

Cherokee County Economic Development provides support to prospective and existing businesses in Cherokee County.

Cheyenne Community Development Corporation

Provide resources and information for business development.

Cheyenne County (Bird City) E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Child Care Aware of Kansas

We provide statewide leadership that builds a diverse, high-quality child care system.

Child Start Inc.

Child Start Inc. is a non-profit organization primarily focused on improving outcomes in early care and education. We provide supplementary training materials and opportunities for early care providers.

City of Abilene

Abilene is a growing community of approximately 7,000 people with direct access to Interstate 70 & a midwest hometown culture.

City of Alden

The City of Alden works to maintain local infrastructure and quality of life for residents in this smallcommunity with population of approximately 150.

City of Atchison

The City of Atchison Community Development Department is a "one stop shop" for economic development, planning and zoning, and building and property maintenance codes assistance

City of Augusta

The City of Augusta is a full service city with water, sewer, electric and sanitation utilities.

City of Bel Aire

Bel Aire is an inviting community with strong businesses and wonderful people. With a population just over 8,000 and its close proximity to Wichita, Bel Aire is afforded the amenities of big-city living, while being able to remain close to its small-town roots. In addition, nearby major transportation networks and available resources foster an environment of healthy business creation and expansion.

City of Bentley

Provides assistance in economic development.

City of Chanute

The City of Chanute, a full-service municipal utility City, works with new & existing businesses for job & capital investment opportunities with a comprehensive set of assistance programs.

City of Clyde

Assists clients with business start-ups, transitions, and growth plans by linking them to resources and paving the way for them in Clyde.

City of Colby

Assists in providing electric, water, sewer and sanitation services to businesses within the corporate limits of Colby

City of Concordia

The City of Concordia is a local unit of government that is growing community by assisting and supporting entrepreneurs desiring to expand or locate their business in the Concordia Community.

City of Derby

Located in southeast Sedgwick County, Derby is the 2nd largest city in the Wichita Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and is home to 26,000 residents.

City of Dodge City

The City seeks and encourage business entities to find various forms of financing, which includes traditional, SBA, LRLF and other forms of gap financing. The City of Dodge City offers a Local Revolving Loan Funding (LRLF) program. The program was created through recaptured CDBG funds. It is utilized to assist businesses with gap financing for qualified projects which create a required number of low to moderate income employees. The City required application for this funding to be done through Great Plains Development, Inc.

City of Fort Scott

Assists businesses interested in starting or moving to the City of Fort Scott.

City of Garden City

Assist in planning and development.

City of Great Bend

Most frequently works with businesses on determining reasonable incentives for job retention, expansion, and start-ups in Great Bend. Also will assist with evaluation of utility needs for specific businesses at specific locations.

City of Hoisington

Assist in development and enhancement of our City, County and Region.

City of Humboldt Business Incubator

The City of Humboldt provides building space for business start up.

City of Lakin

We are a municipality and we help businesses get started in our community by providing sources available.

City of Lansing Economic Development Department

Local government economic development department available to connect entrepreneurs, existing businesses, and businesses considering relocation to Lansing with local, regional, state, and federal resources. Economic Development Department assists businesses in navigating city entitlement process and real estate search.

City of Lawrence

Technical and financial assistance in coordination with local resource partners including the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, Douglas County, and KU SBDC.

City of Lawrence - Economic Development

Technical and financial assistance in coordination with local resource partners including the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, Douglas County, and KU SBDC.

City of Liberal Economic Development

Choose Liberal…..where five states do business!

City of Louisburg

To experience the friendliest people you will ever meet, we invite you to visit Louisburg!

City of Lyons

The City of Lyons is interested in helping the City of Lyons grow through the utilization of incentives and through the strategic targets established in the Community Comprehensive Plan.

City of Maize

Assists in building strong ties to the communities & helping small businesses grow in our community.

City of Manhattan

Welcome to the City of Manhattan!

The following permits, licenses and applications are available from various City of Manhattan departments. Most applications can be filled out online and submitted to the appropriate department.


Risk Reduction, a Division of Manhattan Fire, administers city ordinances relating to health, safety and protection of residents and their property. Code officers also review plans and issue building permits for new construction, additions and alterations. Building, moving permits, curb cut permits, mobile home permits, electrical, mechanical and plumbing permits, as well as all contractor and trade licenses, are also issued by the Risk Reduction Division.

City of Mount Hope

The City of Mount Hope will consult with entrepreneurs and business owners who are interested in either establishing or growing a business in Mount Hope, Kansas.

City of Onaga

We are a municipality attempting to draw business

City of Osawatomie

The City of Osawatomie welcomes all individuals interested in adding to the economic base of the city and will work to ensure they are sucessful.

City of Parsons

The City of Parsons offers a complete package of economic development tools that are customized to fit the needs of new, expanding or relocating businesses.

City of Pretty Prairie

The City of Pretty Prarie and the Public Library strive to encourage economic growth and provide a stable atmosphere for maintaining businesses.

City of Rossville

The City thru our economic development organization would assist with locating land for purchase and planning

City of Spearville

Water, gas, sewer, and trash service are provided to the residents, schools, churches and businesses/ We maintain all the city, including streets.

City of Topeka

Our mission: To provide exceptional, cost-effective services in partnership with the community, that add value & enhance the quality of life for all.

City of Wichita

Full-service city with an economic development office & several other departments that assist businesses with incentives & with governmental issues.

Clay County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Clay County Economic Development

Matches client needs to resources available throughout our county & area.


Our mission is to help foster economic growth through small business recruitment & development, business retention and expansion, industry recruitment, and community development.

Coffey County Economic Development

The mission of Coffey County Economic Development is to enrich the quality of life of citizens by enhancing the economic vitality of the county through the attraction, growth, and retention of business, industry, and talent in Coffey County.

Coffeyville Area Chamber of Commerce

We partner with Montgomery County Action COuncil, City of Coffeyville, KSBDC, KDOC, KEDA, Downtown Coffeyville and Coffeyville Industries to promote growth and development.

Columbus Economic Development Corp.

A community based 501 c(6) non-profit organization dedicated to expanding the economic base of the Columbus area.

Coronado Crossing RC&D

Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) is a unique national program which provides an opportunity for local people to work together, to plan and implement projects that improve the area's economy, environment and quality of life.

Cowley County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Cowley County Workforce Center

The Workforce Centers of South Central Kansas are a one-stop resource for job seekers and employers. At the Workforce Centers JOB SEEKERS will find the tools and training needed to build a successful career and EMPLOYERS will find help with their hiring, training, or human resources needs. Because many local, state, and federal organizations help provide these valuable services, most are available free of charge.

Cowley First: Cowley County Economic Development

Cowley First's primary goal is to offer assistance to established, expanding and new businesses with business plans, financing and incentives. As a community development organization we target opportunities that build on quality of life initiatives.

Create Campaign, Inc.

Our Mission:
Helping urban entrepreneurs in Kansas to launch, innovate and grow.

Our Vision:
To serve as the hub of minority business development, growth and innovation in Kansas

Culinary Commons Incubator Kitchen

Culinary Commons is a community incubator kitchen that offers you a clean, quiet atmosphere to cook with friends and family, create delicious recipes to launch your food business, or innovate to perfect your dream product.

Derby Economic Development

The City of Derby works to enhance job growth and promote business development and stability.

Dickinson County Economic Development

The purpose Dickinson County Economic Development Corporation is to further the economic development of Dickinson County, Kansas by promoting and assisting the growth and development of Business and Industry; as well as addressing all business concerns within Dickinson County.

Dodge City Public Library Makerspace

The mission of the Dodge City Public Library is to provide
resources and services necessary to meet the
evolving educational, recreational and informational
needs of the community.

Dodge City, Kansas SBDC (SCCC Region)

Welcome to the Kansas Small Business Development Center Outreach Center at Dodge City Ford County Development Corporation! We offer the best local business help to those in the counties of Clark, Comanche, Edwards, Ford, Hodgeman, Kiowa, and Ness.

Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation

Growing & developing existing business. Aggresively & efficiently pursuing quality new businesses to promote the socio-economic viability of the region.</p>

Doniphan County Economic Development

The mission of the Economic Development Department is to work towards countywide efforts that will increase the standard of living and quality of life within Doniphan County. We are here to help encourage entrepreneurship and business retention and growth.

Douglas County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Douglas County Food Policy Council

The Douglas County Food Policy Council (DCFPC) seeks to identify the benefits, challenges and opportunities for a successful, sustainable local food system in Douglas County, Kansas.

Downtown Augusta Inc.

preserving the historical and cultural fabric of Augusta,revitalize retail business trade,return the downtown to the core of our community through a unified community partnership reaching a common goal.

Downtown Coffeyville Inc.

Downtown Coffeyville, Inc. is a non-profit community agency committed to strengthening the downtown economy and preserving the historic character of its buildings.

Downtown Hutchinson Revitalization Partnership

Assists in retail, service, arts, entrepreneurial and office relocation, start up and expansion in Downtown Hutchinson, a Kansas Main Street City.

Downtown Manhattan, Inc.

A non-profit Kansas Main Street organization based on the National Main Street 4-Point approach including: Promotion, Economic Development, Design, Organization.

Downtown Overland Park Partnership

Assists in marketing and developing Downtown Overland Park and its businesses.

Dwayne Peaslee Technical Training Center

THE CRUNCH at Peaslee Tech is a business ignitor and protyping center.

Edwards County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Edwards County Economic Development Corporation

Assist in starting or expanding businesses in Edwards County.

El Centro of Topeka

El Centro of Topeka is social service organization that provides support to the Hispanic/Latino community.

El Centro, Inc. Development Corporation

Provides office space and technical assistance to new and growing small businesses in Wyandotte and Johnson Counties in Kansas.

El Dorado Chamber of Commerce

Assist in the preparation of business plans and identification of available resources.

El Dorado E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

El Dorado Inc.

El Dorado is a progressive, economically diverse community located on the edge of the beautiful Flint Hills in south central Kansas where tourism thrives.

El Dorado Main Street

Using promotion, organization, design & economic restructuring we work to enhance the downtown identity & heritage, to foster business & recreation ability & ensure economic stability.

Elevate Coworking

Elevate Coworking Space has 35 private office and also an open office coworking space with lots of natural light. The space is newly renovated with business grade internet, network printer is available and modern kitchen facility with keurig machine, microwave, refrigerator, filtered water. But we’re SOOOO much more than that!

Elevate is family.

Elk Plaza Culinary Incubator

A Culinary Incubator, also known as a kitchen incubator, is a business incubator dedicated to early stage catering, retail and wholesale food businesses.

Ellis County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Ellsworth County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Emporia Main Street

Emporia Main Street, Inc. is a non-profit community agency committed to increasing consumer business, strengthening retail & professional institutions, assisting in the preservation & maintenance of the community's heritage, & promoting pride in the community's institutions & achievements through design, promotion, business enhancement & organization committees.

Emporia, Kansas SBDC at ESU

Free confidential consultation. Affordable training. Provides Kansas entrepreneurs support and resources to achieve business success. Host: Emporia State University

Enterprise Center in Johnson County

An entrepreneurial and small business support organization that provides high-growth companies with resources to start and grow successful businesses in Johnson County, Kansas and the Kansas City region. Additionally, the Enterprise Center is home the only Woman’s Business Center in Kansas supporting women entrepreneurs and business owners.

Entrepreneurial Growth Ventures

EGV’s mission involves building and enhancing the network of resources to increase the capacity and support for innovative, high growth entrepreneurs in Kansas.

Entrepreneurship & Workforce Development Center

Assist with a hands-on approach to business start-up, growth, and building as well as assisting inventors with walking through the process from idea to revenue generation.

Fab Lab ICC

Fab Lab ICC is one of about 500 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) -chartered Fab Labs in more than 27 countries. Activities, classes and seminars include training to operate the lab equipment and training in creativity and design.

FHSU MakerSpace

The FHSU Makerspace is a space in the Forsyth Library that provides an area for any FHSU student or Hays community member to build, tinker and explore projects and ideas within the STEM fields.

Finney County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Finney County Economic Development Corporation

We are the conduit for individuals & businesses, & have venture capital & gap financing available for start up or expanding companies. We also are the best connectors for people for round table discussions with other professionals & for potential markets & marketing.


Flagship Kansas is a non-profit organization that brings together Kansas technology companies to shine a light on the depth of skill, ingenuity, and innovation running in our cities and communities


The Flint Hills Area Builders Association’s mission is to advance the building industry by providing a strong united voice that positively influences the communities we serve.

Flint Hills Resource Conservation & Development Area, Inc

Assist entrepreneurs in rural communities to start or expand their business.


We aspire to create a culture where every veteran who wants to start, grow, or accelerate their business receives the necessary support, resources, and mentorship to create a thriving veteran-owned community in the Flint Hills.

Ford County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce

Community & economic development

Fredonia Chamber of Commerce

Assists business community exist & grow and coordinate efforts for community projects & focus.


From the Land of Kansas is a trademark program designed to promote and celebrate agricultural experiences and products grown, raised or produced in Kansas. The From the Land of Kansas brand makes it easier for people to find and support Kansas-made products and Kansas-based businesses. The program offers an array of incentives to Kansas companies – big and small – who grow, raise, serve or produce products in the state. Members of the state trademark program range widely in variety. Our members include equipment manufacturers, farmers, food businesses, restaurants, agri-tourism businesses, retailers, and so many more.

Frontier Financial Partners, Inc.

Frontier Financial Partners, Inc. helps clients obtain SBA 504 loans and 7a loans, and funds from miscellaneous sources.

Garden City Area Chamber of Commerce

We are the conduit for individuals & businesses, & have venture capital & gap financing available for start up or expanding companies. We also are the best connectors for people for round table discussions with other professionals & for potential markets & marketing.

Garden City Downtown Vision

Garden City Downtown Vision is dedicated to strengthening Downtown's retail & economic base, preserving its historic character & promoting the district as the community's cultural & social center. This will be accomplished by forming partnerships with citizens, businesses, local governments & civic organizations.

Garnett Area Chamber of Commerce

Our Mission of the Garnett Area Chamber of Commerce is to promote, support and enhance a strong business climate and facilitate a positive community and interaction that will result in continued economic development and enhanced quality of life for the Garnett Community.

Geary County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Girard Area Chamber of Commerce

We promote and enhance commerce and community development in the Girard area.

Girard E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Glacial Hills Resource Conservation and Development Region Inc.

Provides a support system for entrepreneurs starting and building enterprises with enhanced access to capital and enhancing the business support services for those entrepreneurs.


We provide a simple, powerful, and highly personal approach to giving by building relationships between donors and community needs.


The GMCF Grant Writing Assistance Program is available for nonprofit organizations located in Riley County. Organizations offering services in Riley County but having offices located outside of Riley County are ineligible unless the proposed grant-seeking efforts are targeted to benefit the citizens of Riley County.

Go Topeka

Small Business Incentives, First Opportunity Loan Fund, business counseling.

Go! Augusta

Go! Augusta exists to promote and improve local business and the quality of life within our community. We invite all new businesses, visitors, and residents to experience all that Augusta has to offer then join our community, as it has real values.


You’ve got a million dollar idea but you don’t have a million dollars to make it. Bring your idea here. We have the space, tools and knowledge to make it happen. GoCreate is a makerspace.

Goodland Area Economic Development

We are here to help build up the communites in Sherman County.


We provide digital skills training and certificates in Google career development, such as UX Design, Data Analytics and project management. We also provide a social media marketing certificate. We offer these programs to the next generation of talent and entrepreneurs throughout Kansas for free. Contact Edwin Locke or another Goodwill Employment Specialist to apply.

Grant County Economic Development

We completely develop a business plan and hold their hand through the entire process of opening a business.</p>

Grant Professionals Association (GPA)

International membership association to provide benefits to the persons in the grants industry.

Great Bend Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development

The Great Bend Chamber of Commerce will promote and improve the business climate in the City of Great Bend through its services and partnerships that encourage growth and assist existing and new goals.

Great Bend E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Great Plains Development, Inc.

GPDI assists start-up & existing businesses through the process to secure funding from the most appropriate sources & assists county & city governments with infrastructure projects.

Greater Kansas City Community Foundation

The mission of the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation is to improve the quality of life in Greater Kansas City by increasing charitable giving, educating and connecting donors to community needs they care about, and leading on critical community issues.


The Greater Manhattan Economic Partnership’s business-friendly environment, agricultural expertise, and world-class research capacity make us something special. Our region is unlike any other place you’re considering.

Greater Morris County Development Corporation

As the only Economic Development entity in Morris County we are the singular organization that encourages, assists in development of and works with startups and existing businesses to locate and succeed in Morris County, Kansas. We assist financially and formatively in from-the-ground-up startup business through assisting long-stand successful businesses financially and businesses-development.

Greater Salina Community Foundation

The Greater Salina Community Foundation continues its vision to multiply the impact of charitable giving by connecting community members, nonprofits and other partners to look forward to a brighter future. Much has been accomplished and we are ready to do more.

Greater Wichita Partnership

At the Greater Wichita Partnership, we align resources and focus the business community on common strategies that fast-forward economic growth in Wichita and throughout south-central Kansas. Our work encompasses everything from creating a vibrant urban environment in Downtown Wichita to advancing a collaborative 10-county economic development initiative that will grow our region’s next generation economy.

Greeley County Community Development, Inc.

Assists in tracking & applying for programs to aid existing businesses, startups, entrepreneurs & other Greeley County Community Development interests.

Greeley County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Greenbush / Southeast Kansas Education Service Center

We are an Educational Service Center that provides educational services in 6 out of the 8 prisons in Kansas. These prisons are: WInfield Correctional Facility, Hutchinson Correctional Facility, El Dorado Correctional Facility, Topeka Correctional Facility, Lansing Correctional Facility and Norton Correctional Facility.
We help an average 1600 individuals receive a GED or High School Diploma, or a Vocational certification each year.

Greensburg Business Incubator

Located at the intersection of Hwy. 54/400 and Main Street, the beautiful, people-friendly/eco-friendly building has space for five retail shops at ground level. The upper level has space for nine professional service offices.

Greenwood County Economic Development

Provides tools & resources to start-up & existing businesses to promote economic prosperity.

Groover Labs, Inc.

Groover Labs is a non-profit whose mission is to help foster growth in local startup activity by providing a single location where entrepreneurs and tech workers can get support and share ideas in a collaborative working environment.

Grow Ellsworth County

Ellsworth County Economic Development dba Grow Ellsworth County serves as the lead agency to drive economic health and prosperity to Ellsworth County.

Grow Hays, Inc.

Grow Hays is your partner in business success. Whether you are starting a new business, expanding an existing business, adding to your workforce, need to find financing, or just don’t know where to start on a problem, Grow Hays is here to assist.

Give us a call to find out how we can assist you in your business success.

Hamilton County Economic Development

Assists in retention, expansion, and recruitment of business. Also in community development

Harper County Community Development

Harper County Community Development is a county funded, county wide community and economic development office working to grow Harper County.

Harper County Economic Development

The Harper County Economic Development Council Office is a one stop shop to access the needs of a new or established business. housing devmnt industry and housing little retail

Harvey County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Harvey County Economic Development Council, Inc.

Economic development organization for all of Harvey County

Haysville Community Development

Assist new business and industry; assists existing business and industry; supports community development, public and private grant writing; coordinates involvement of leadership goals and economic incentives.

Heartland Black Chamber of Commerce

To create and leverage communal capital to aid members in developing their enterprises

Heartland Business Capital

Heartland Business Capital lends money to businesses through the SBA 504 loan product.

Herington Economic Development Corporation

Our organization is made up of businesses and individuals donating their money to help assist and grow businesses in Herington.

Hillsboro Development Corp

Our mission is to develop dependable partnerships through a support center created to accelerate and simplify the success of innovative entrepreneurs by surrounding them with all the resources they need.

We are here to surround business start-ups and expansions with resources needed to succeed and grow. For more information please contact us.

Hillsboro E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kansas City

We provide:
Small business procurement education
Minority women/small business certification
Governmental affairs
Small business education/development

Hispanic Economic Development Corporation

HEDC offers start-up and business operating counseling, business plan development, marketing plan development, micro lending, and computer classes.

Hodgeman County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Hodgeman County Economic Development

We assist individuals & groups to begin the necessary planning for the development of a business whether it is service, retail or light industry.

Hoisington E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Hoisington Main Street, Inc.

We provide business training to existing buisnesses in an effort to revitalize our downtown.

Holton/Jackson County Chamber of Commerce

To Be A Member Driven Organization That Promotes Economic Growth And A Progressive Community Image.

Hutchinson Community Foundation

Hutchinson Community Foundation has been working to multiply the impact of charitable giving by connecting community members, nonprofits, and other partners to brighten the future of Hutchinson and Reno County through philanthropy.

Hutchinson/Reno County Chamber of Commerce

The Hutchinson/Reno County Chamber of Commerce is the catalyst for a prosperous business climate that enhances the community's quality of life.

IBSA, Inc.

Since its founding in 1993, IBSA has provided quality employment & training services, youth development programs & community service activities, and small business development & support services.

Independence Main Street, Inc.

To encourage and assist in the historical preservation of the downtown, to generate an atmosphere that continues to create pride in our past and excitement about our future that makes downtown Independence a destination not only for the community but also for visitors.

Inman E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Small business owners, especially new sole proprietors, can find a wealth of information covering their federal tax responsibilities on The SB/SE Tax Center is the “Go To” page for everything small business. The IRS Video Portal at is an online learning site for taxpayers.

International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world's worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives.

Inventors Association of South Central Kansas (IASCK)

We assist regional inventors through counseling and educational programs.

Iron Clad Coworking - Manhattan

Iron Clad Coworking is part of a global movement toward flexible professional work spaces.

Iron Clad Coworking - Wamego

Iron Clad Coworking is part of a global movement toward flexible professional work spaces.

IRS Communication & Liaison Division

Provide America's taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and enforce the law with integrity and fairness to all.

IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service

The role of the Taxpayer Advocate office is to assist taxpayers with IRS issues when normal procedures fail.

Jewell County Community Development

We assist people in applying for our revolving loan fund.

Jewell County Community Foundation

We want to make it easy for you to find the appropriate grant fund. Please read each fund’s guidelines to align your project with the right potential funding resource.

Johnson County Workforce Center

Workforce Partnership is committed to building a workforce development system that meets the needs of both job seekers and employers throughout the Kansas City area. We have a network of career centers in Johnson, Leavenworth, and Wyandotte counties offering professional expertise to employers and job seekers.

Junction City / Geary County Economic Development Commission

The Junction City/Geary County Economic Development Commission is a division of the Junction City Area Chamber of Commerce.

Junction City Area Chamber of Commerce

The Junction City Area Chamber of Commerce (JCACC) is a non-profit organization of approximately 350 member businesses that invest time and money for the purpose of advancing the civic, industrial, commercial and general interests of Geary County.

Junction City Workforce Center

Finding the right people to get the job done can be hard work. It often requires a tremendous investment of valuable time and money. That’s where the Workforce Centers can be a valuable business partner.


Justine PETERSEN offers techncial assistance and lending to businesses that have difficulty accessing safe and afforable capital any place else.


K-State Innovation Partners* is committed to collaborating with university, industry and communities to deliver a streamlined mission of corporate engagement, technology commercialization and economic development.

K-State Center for the Advancement of Entrepreneurship

The K-State Center for Entrepreneurship, within the K-State School of Business, works to enhance the talent pipeline in order to help build economic and social prosperity through innovation and the entrepreneurial mindset.

K-State Research & Extension McPherson County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension - Sedgwick County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Allen County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Anderson County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Atchison County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Barber County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Barton County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Bourbon County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Brown County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Butler County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Chase County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Chautauqua County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Cherokee County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Cheyenne County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Clark County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Clay County

K-State Research and Extension provides practical education you can trust – to help people, businesses, and communities solve problems, develop skills, and build a better future. We are Kansas State University in your local community.

K-State Research and Extension, Cloud County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Coffey County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Comanche County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Cowley County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Crawford County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Decatur County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Dickinson County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Doniphan County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Douglas County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Edwards County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Elk County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Ellis County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Ellsworth County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Ford County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Franklin County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Geary County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Gove County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Graham County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Grant County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Gray County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Greeley County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Greenwood County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Hamilton County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Harper County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Harvey County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Haskell County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Hodgeman County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Jackson County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Jefferson County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Jewell County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Johnson County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Kearny County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Kingman County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Kiowa County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Labette County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Lane County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Leavenworth County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Lincoln County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Linn County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Logan County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Lyon County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Marion County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Marshall County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Meade County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Miami County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Mitchell County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Montgomery County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Morris County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Morton County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Nemaha County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Neosho County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Ness County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Norton County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Osage County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Osborne County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Ottawa County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Pawnee County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Phillips County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Pottawatomie County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Pratt County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Rawlins County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Reno County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Republic County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Rice County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Riley County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Rooks County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Rush County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Russell County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Saline County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Scott County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Seward County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Shawnee County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Sheridan County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Sherman County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Smith County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Stafford County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Stanton County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Stevens County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Sumner County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Thomas County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Trego County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Wabaunsee County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Wallace County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Washington County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, West Plains Destrict

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Wichita County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Wilson County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Woodson County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

K-State Research and Extension, Wyandotte County

An informational and educational organization of the land-grant University that functions through a network of Extension offices in every county across Kansas. The educational resources are targeted to audiences of agriculture, family, community, and youth.

Kansas Agritourism

The Kansas Agritourism Promotion Act was signed into law in 2004. The purpose of the act is to promote rural tourism and rural economic development in Kansas. Benefits of the legislation include free marketing and limited liability protection.

Kansas Alliance for Nonprofits

We assist with Nonprofit and Grassroots Startups, Growing and Strengthening Nonprofits, Building Effective Nonprofit Boards, Advocacy & Community Collaboration.

Kansas APEX Accelerator

Kansas PTAC assists businesses in locating, obtaining and performing federal, state and local government contracts. Services offered include one-on-one counseling, training seminars, bid-matching, assistance with bid preparation, specifications, registrations and certifications

Kansas APEX Accelerator, formerly KS PTAC

Kansas PTAC assists businesses in locating, obtaining and performing federal, state and local government contracts. Services offered include one-on-one counseling, training seminars, bid-matching, assistance with bid preparation, specifications, registrations and certifications.

Kansas Assistive Technology Corporation (KATCO)

A non-bank lender providing financing to disabled borrowers for the purchase of equipment to make and deliver a business product from ones home or other non-traditional work setting.

Kansas Association of Certified Development Companies

KACDC offers specialized small business loan financing available in every county in the state of Kansas. No loan is too large or small.


Whether your business is getting started, making changes, growing or expanding, the Kansas Business One Stop is your one-stop-shop for interacting with Kansas government. Here you can learn how to organize a business, locate information and resources needed to start or maintain a business, and more.

Kansas City Kansas Area Chamber of Commerce

The mission of the Kansas City Kansas Area Chamber of Commerce is to enhance and create opportunities in Wyandotte County which build a quality community to live, work and conduct business.

Kansas City Tax Clinic

At the Kansas City Tax Clinic, law students assist qualifying taxpayers in resolving their federal and state tax controversies. The Clinic provides free, high quality representation to those who could not otherwise afford professional assistance.

Kansas City Urban E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.


The Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission (KCAIC) is dedicated to promoting, supporting and expanding Kansas’ creative industries and enriching communities through arts and culture.

Kansas Department of Agriculture

We are committed to food safety, consumer protection, natural resource protection and water resource management for the benefit of all Kansans

Kansas Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Advocacy, Marketing and Outreach

The Kansas Department of Agriculture is devoted to the total support of agriculture in Kansas.

Kansas Department of Agriculture - Food Safety and Lodging

The Kansas Department of Agriculture promotes public safety by regulating the production and sale of food products in Kansas.

Kansas Department of Commerce

Kansas' lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas.

Kansas Department of Commerce: Business & Community Development Division

The Community Development Division is committed to preserving and enhancing the quality of life of Kansas communities.

Kansas Department of Commerce: Business & Community Development, East Central Region

Business and Community Development Assistance staff can assist clients in identifying programs and incentives for business expansion, meeting licensing requirements and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a local community.

Kansas Department of Commerce: Business & Community Development, North Central Region

Business and Community Development Assistance staff can assist clients in identifying programs and incentives for business expansion, meeting licensing requirements and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a local community.

Kansas Department of Commerce: Business & Community Development, Northeast Region

Business and Community Development Assistance staff can assist clients in identifying programs and incentives for business expansion, meeting licensing requirements and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a local community.

Kansas Department of Commerce: Business & Community Development, Northwest Region

Business and Community Development Assistance staff can assist clients in identifying programs and incentives for business expansion, meeting licensing requirements and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a local community.

Kansas Department of Commerce: Business & Community Development, South Central Region

Business and Community Development Assistance staff can assist clients in identifying programs and incentives for business expansion, meeting licensing requirements and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a local community.

Kansas Department of Commerce: Business & Community Development, Southeast Region

Business Development staff can assist companies in identifying programs and incentives for business expansion. They also help communities enhance their business expansion & retention programs and services.

Kansas Department Of Commerce: Business & Community Development, Southwest Region

Business and Community Development Assistance staff can assist clients in identifying programs and incentives for business expansion, meeting licensing requirements and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a local community.

Kansas Department of Commerce: International Trade

The Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. The department assists Kansas companies with their global market development needs and exporting efforts.

Kansas Department of Commerce: Office of Minority & Women Business Development

Provides assistance to small business owned by women & minorities. Assistance consists of providing information & referrals to resources available for starting a business, financial & business management, & procurement opportunities.

Kansas Department of Health & Environment

provide environmental assessments and liability protection "at no cost" to elibilble applicants for properties being considered for redevelopment or reuse.

Kansas Department of Health & Environment - Chronic Disease Risk Reduction Program

The Chronic Disease Risk Reduction (CDRR) grant program provides funding and technical assistance to communities to implement evidence-based strategies and best practices that impact tobacco use, physical activity, and nutrition.

Kansas Department of Revenue

Provide tax seminars to tax practitioners & small business in areas of income, sales, compensating, withholding & estimated tax.


Kansas Farm Bureau exists to strengthen agriculture and the lives of Kansans through advocacy, education and service.


The primary goal of the KFMA program is to provide each member with information that can be used to help make farm and family decisions.

Kansas Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom

KFAC is a statewide, self-funded 501(c)3 nonprofit educational program providing resources, training, and support for schools, educators, and volunteers to spark meaningful connections between classrooms and Kansas agriculture.

Kansas Global Trade Services, Inc.

We help Kansas businesses succeed globally by leveraging our international trade knowledge and global network.

Kansas Health Foundation

We envision a culture in which every Kansan can make healthy choices where they live, work, and play. To realize its vision and fulfill its mission, KHF will invest in four key program areas:

Access to Care, Healthy Behaviors, Civic and Community Engagement, Educational Attainment

Kansas Leadership Center

The Kansas Leadership Center provides leadership training for people across all sectors who want to build stronger organizations and healthier communities.

Kansas Manufacturing Solutions (KMS Great Bend and Western KS Region)

Provides manufacturing businesses located in Kansas high-quality, low-cost consultation services.

Kansas Manufacturing Solutions (KMS Kansas City Region)

Provides manufacturing businesses located in Kansas high-quality, low-cost consultation services.

Kansas Manufacturing Solutions (KMS Wichita and SouthEast KS)

Provides manufacturing businesses located in Kansas high-quality, low-cost consultation services.

Kansas Patent & Trademark Resource Center

The Patent & Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) at Wichita State University Libraries is a go-to resource for navigating patent and trademark challenges effectively, offering expert guidance, research guides, legal aid referrals, and more.

Kansas Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), Overland Park

Kansas PTAC assists businesses in locating, obtaining and performing federal, state and local government contracts. Services offered include one-on-one counseling, training seminars, bid-matching, assistance with bid preparation, specifications, registrations and certifications.


Contact the course provider to enroll in a classroom or distance education course.

Kansas Restaurant & Hospitality Association

The KRHA Vision is to be recognized as “the” advocate for the restaurant and hospitality industries in Kansas and to provide member services of such value that it is essential for operators in the restaurant and hospitality industries to seek membership in the Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association.

Kansas Rural Center

The Kansas Rural Center, Inc. (KRC) is a non-profit organization that promotes the long-term health of the land and its people through community-based research, education, and advocacy. KRC cultivates grassroots support for public policies and practices that strengthen communities, advance a more sustainable farm and food system, and encourage stewardship of Kansas ecosystems.

Kansas Sampler Foundation

Generally, we educate Kansans about Kansas and support and network rural communities to help preserve and sustain rural culture.

Kansas SBDC at FHSU

The Kansas SBDC helps new entrepreneurs realize their dream of ownership and assists existing businesses in their efforts to remain competitive. Our services enable Kansas entrepreneurs to make better, more informed business decisions, to avoid costly mistakes, and to prepare thorough and complete business plans needed both to obtain financing and to effectively manage their operation. Services are confidential and free of charge.

Kansas Secretary of State

We file business entitiy documents and make them available to the public.


The Career Center facilitates the career readiness of all students throughout the K-State community. The K-State Career Center is located in the Berney Family Welcome Center! Reach out for consultation on developing internships and recruiting college talent

Kansas State University/Manhattan Innovation Center

The Innovation Center works with entrepreneurs & rural communities who seek to become more competitive by defining & living out a strategic vision for success.

Kansas State University: Office of Engagment

K-State is designed to maximize the investment Kansans have made in higher education to better themselves and their communities. Through mutually beneficial relationships with public and private sector partners, K-State is leveraging its research, te

Kansas Women's Business Center

Provide training, mentoring, networking opportunities and business consulting to help women start & grow their businesses.


The Chanute Workforce Center goal is to connect Kansas businesses with a trained workforce through direct referrals, interviewing, screening and providing training on-the-job, and class room training.


Our Vision is: Provide qualified employees for any employer, anywhere in Kansas by linking job seekers, educators, & businesses into a seamless, integrated workforce development system.


The Kansas 1st vision is to provide qualified employees for any employer, anywhere in Kansas by linking job seekers, educators & businesses into a seamless, integrated workforce development system.


Business driven services to assist local business with employment & training needs for current workforce & hiring needs when additional staffing may be required.


The Kansas 1st vision is to provide qualified employees for any employer, anywhere in Kansas by linking job seekers, educators & businesses into a seamless, integrated workforce development system.


The workforce system in Local Area I is seen by employers as the source for a well-trained and competitive workforce. This workforce is qualified to meet the needs of employers, both now and in the future creating economic growth and vitality.


Assist Employers seeking skilled workers, or interested in upgrading their workers' skills, can tap into many valuable programs and services of the Great Bend Workforce Center


Our Vision is: Provide qualified employees for any employer, anywhere in Kansas by linking job seekers, educators, & businesses into a seamless, integrated workforce development system.


Kansas 1st is a workforce development system that connects education, job seekers & business-directed programs for the purpose of providing qualified employees, financial resources & workforce training solutions to existing & new Kansas businesses.

KANSASWORKS Independence

Independence Workforce Center connects job seekers, education institutions & business directed programs for the purpose of providing qualified employees, financial resources & workforce training solutions to existing & new Kansas businesses.


The Kansas 1st vision is to provide qualified employees for any employer, anywhere in Kansas by linking job seekers, educators & businesses into a seamless, integrated workforce development system.

KANSASWORKS Mobile Workforce Center

Our Vision is: Provide qualified employees for any employer, anywhere in Kansas by linking job seekers, educators, & businesses into a seamless, integrated workforce development system.


Kansas 1st is a workforce development system that connects education, job seekers & business-directed programs for the purpose of providing qualified employees, financial resources & workforce training solutions to existing & new Kansas businesses.


The Southeast Kansas Local Area V workforce center system is designed to provide a full range of services and assistance opportunities to job seekers and employers under one roof.


Provision of Employment/Training/Supportive Services & business incentives to job seekers & private sector business.


Vision: Provide qualified employees for any employer, anywhere in Kansas by linking job seekers, educators, and businesses into a seamless, integrated workforce development system.


KCSourceLink connects entrepreneurs to resources, coaches, funding, education and help coordinate great events for entrepreneurs, like Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Kearny County Community Development

<p>Department is charged with growing exisiting and new business as well as population & promotion of the County with the intent of stabilizing the county tax base.</p>

Kingman County Economic Development Council

<span class="notranslate">KCEDC offers help with any project that helps sustain jobs or brings new jobs to the area. We also help with marketing for tourism events, if needed. KCEDC works with all the state and federal agencies to make this happen. KCEDC also writes grants and has been extremely successful with this. Living on the edge! Kingman County hosts an excellent transportation system just on the edge of Sedgwick, Pratt and Reno Counties. Highway 54 bisects the cities of Kingman and Cunningham and K-42 runs through the middle of Norwich. K-17 and K-14 run north and south through the county. There is rail access throughout the county and an airport in Kingman City that supports jet traffic. Property in Kingman County is relatively inexpensive, plentiful and easily accessible. There are seven incorporated cities in the county: Cunningham, Kingman, Nashville, Norwich, Penalosa, Spivey and Zenda. Spivey has put Kingman County on the worldwide map because of oil and gas production and related businesses. They are a testament that small can be powerful. Other major economic factors in the county include agriculture, thriving manufacturing facilities and other retail businesses that make living enjoyable, easy, and jobs plentiful. We welcome more. Kingman County is defined by children riding bikes, celebrations, harvests, fairs, church and school events, and neighborhood gatherings. If you like the excitement of the city and the ease of country living, this is the best option—truly living on the edge!</span></p>

Kiowa County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Kiowa County Economic Development

Provide business assistance to new and existing businesses


Kansas State University has always been proud of its land-grant heritage. Whether by welcoming students to its campus or taking university expertise to people across the state, K-State has taken seriously its mandate to make the resources of the university open & accessible to all Kansans. That is why we are excited to welcome you to the Center for Engagement and Community Development (CECD). CECD will extend & expand K-State's historic mission of engagement & outreach. CECD is a place where university faculty & community leaders can come together to address community challenges, meet community needs, & realize community dreams through effective scholarship-based engagement. In this process, we plan to help make Kansas State University one of the truly premier land-grant universities.


KUAE faculty, students and researchers conduct research in all traditional aerospace disciplines, funded primarily by government agencies and private industry. Because flight vehicles are very complex systems, most research endeavors are multi-disciplinary. Core research strengths include unmanned aerial systems, computational fluid dynamics, composite and adaptive structures, and robotics and control.


With support from the Kansas Health Foundation (KHF), CPPR is offering free grant writing and technical assistance for nonprofit organizations, state associations/coalitions, school districts, state agencies and tribal councils/communities in Kansas.

KU Innovation Park

The mission of KU Innovation Park is to create, recruit, grow and retain technology and bioscience businesses in northeast Kansas with the ultimate vision to build a more modern, resilient and diverse regional economy.

Lane County Economic Development, Inc.

In general, we offer direct assistance, self-help guidance, and advisory-referral to information, technical services, and financial assistance useful for business expansion or development projects.

Launch Pad Business Incubator

The business incubator concept is to build a two-story building in downtown St. John that will have an open floor concept to conduct business with a top floor would feature an apartment for the entrepreneur to live.

Lawrence (Urban) E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Lawrence Chamber of Commerce

Promoting economic prosperity across Lawrence and Douglas County, Kansas. Manager of Lawrence Metro E-Community Gap financing program.

Lawrence Music Alliance

The Lawrence Music Alliance is a non-profit that uses the framework of music ecosystem development to engage the music community, advocate on behalf of musicians and creatives, and act as a vital intermediary between the creative economy and the city

Lawrence Public Library

Lawrence Public Library (LPL for short) is a community hub where patrons can learn, connect, create and grow through access to its vast collections, resources, services, programs and knowledgeable staff. All services are free, unless otherwise noted.

Lawrence Restaurant Association

An assembly of business owners, chefs and food industry professionals who work together for the benefit of our industry in Douglas County, KS. LRA aims to support small businesses, hospitality industry workers, our community, and the local economy

Lawrence Workforce Center

One Stop Employment and Training Center that serves as a single point of entry to a network of employment, training, and educational programs and providers in the community.

Lawrence, Kansas ASBDC Kansas at KU

The ABSDC Kansas at KU provide free and confidential advising services to new and existing businesses.

League of Kansas Municipalities

The mission of the League is to strengthen and advocate for the interests of the cities of Kansas to advance the general welfare and promote the quality of life of the people who live within our cities.

Leavenworth County Development Corporation

LCDC’s mission is to facilitate the creation and retention of jobs and capital investment in Leavenworth County.

Leavenworth County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Leavenworth Lansing Chamber of Commerce

The Leavenworth-Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce is an independent non-profit 501(c)(6) organization of businessmen and women who are investing their resources in community development programs.

Leawood Chamber of Commerce

Provides business assistance, networking opportunities, public relations, & other services related to growth & development

Legacy Regional Community Foundation

Legacy Regional Community Foundation grows area philanthropic and nonprofit efforts by connecting donors with critical needs in our community, instilling informed leadership and building endowments to create a stronger, healthier and more prosperous region.

Lenexa Chamber of Commerce

The Lenexa Chamber is a partner, resource, voice, and connector for the business community and its professionals.

Lenexa Economic Development Council

The Lenexa Economic Development Council (LEDC) is comprised of Lenexa Chamber member companies with an interest in fueling the economic engine of the Lenexa business community. The LEDC is responsible for bringing new companies and industries to the City of Lenexa, and assisting them through the development process. It is also responsible for helping to retain businesses that have already chosen Lenexa as their home, facilitating their growth and helping them make the most of doing business here.

Liberal Chamber of Commerce

Assists retail & service businesses to expand & assist new contacts to get the information they need to start a new business or relocate their present business.

Liberal, Kansas SBDC at SCCC

Kansas SBDC at SCCC serves the following counties: Grant, Gray, Haskell, Meade, Morton, Stanton, Stevens, Seward, Finney, Greeley, Hamilton, Kearny, Lane, Scott, Wichita, Clark, Comanche, Edwards, Ford, Hodgeman, Kiowa, and Ness.

Lincoln County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Lincoln County Economic Development Foundation

The Lincoln County Economic Development Foundation (LCEDF) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance the economic and lifestyle opportunities for all county residents and businesses.

Lindsborg Convention & Visitors Bureau

The Lindsborg Convention and Visitors Bureau provides assistance and facilitates business opportunities to existing and new business.

Linn County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Linn County Economic Development

We are a full service economic development agency dealing with recruitment, existing business programs, tourism, marketing, entrepreneur assistance


Welcome to LEAD, founded in 2023 by passionate entrepreneurs in the heart of Manhattan, KS. We're more than just another group meeting over coffee; we're a blend of innovation and community spirit.

Our commitment to excellence, sustainability, and making a positive impact defines us. Join us on this exciting journey where every product/service reflects our dedication to quality and reliability. Thank you for being a part of our story.

Logan County Development Corporation

<p>We assist with business plan development, strategic planning, small business financing, & community development.</p>

Louisburg Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber promotes and enhances the Louisburg business environment and provides area information and demographics as needed.

Lyon County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Mainstream Nonprofit Solutions, Inc.

Mainstream Nonprofit Solutions offers a spectrum of solutions including facilities management, finance, human resources, information technology, marketing, program support, risk management and training needs.


We innovate, learn, and build community at the intersection of art, technology, science, and culture.

Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce

Assists local businesses with retention and expansion goals; recruits new business to create a robust, diverse economic base for future area growth.


Manhattan Referral Network is a group of local business professionals that meet on a weekly basis for the purpose of growing each other’s businesses. We do this by networking with each other, as well as passing referrals of potential clients to each other’s businesses.

Manhattan Vet Center

The Veteran Outreach Center is focused on helping veterans with employment opportunities in the State of Kansas.

Manhattan Workforce Center

Finding the right people to get the job done can be hard work. It often requires a tremendous investment of valuable time and money. That’s where the Workforce Centers can be a valuable business partner.

Manhattan, Kansas SBDC (WU region)

Advising services are no cost to Kansas small businesses. Areas: Marketing; Finance; Management; International Trade; Strategy; General business; Market Research; Legal Structure; Technology; Innovation; Exit, Transition, and Succession; Disaster Recovery; Valuation; Cyber Security

Marion County Economic Development Department

assists prospective new businesses in partnering with agencies that can offer them technical & financial assistance & also work with existing businesses interested in expansion

Marion E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Marysville Main Street

Main Street recruits and assists new or existing businesses in expansion, start-up, downtown business location,planning & incentive funding.

McPherson Chamber of Commerce

The McPherson Chamber of Commerce promotes a positive business climate, provides assistance with funding resources, business recruitment and expansion.

McPherson County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

McPherson County Small Business Development Association

SBDA serves as a clearinghouse of economic development information in McPherson County.

McPherson Main Street

We assist businesses within the downtown area in business development, retention & recruitment as well as retail promotions and community events.

Miami County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Miami County Economic Development

Provides resources to new, existing, and expanding businesses. Offers customized demographic information, information on financial programs and loan options, worker availability and other community information.

Mid-America Inc.

Assist with finding and/or providing financing of start up and financing expansion or refinance of exisiting business.


Founded in 2006, Mid-America Angels (“MAA”) is a regional network of accredited investors dedicated to identifying and funding the most promising early stage companies in the Kansas-Missouri region.

Mitchell County Community Development

We can assist in finding a business location, incentives & provide direction for development of business & marketing plans. We can also help with connecting you to grants and more!

Mitchell County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Mo-Kan Development, Inc.

Assists businesses and entrepreneurs with financing through a variety of loan programs

Montgomery County Action Council

A public/private countywide development agency with a mission to help existing businesses grow and recruit new business.

Montgomery County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Morris County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Morton County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.


MOSourceLink’s mission is to help small businesses across the state of Missouri grow and succeed. We provide small business with free, easy access to the help you need – when you need it.

National Center for Aviation Training (NCAT)

The National Center for Aviation Training (NCAT) is the world’s premier facility for the development of a skilled aviation manufacturing workforce. NCAT was built by Sedgwick County in 2010 and boasts 220,000 square feet of premier training labs and classrooms – 25 of each to be exact..

National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR)

Our mission is to strengthen university research capabilities; provide applied learning opportunities for students; and support the aviation and manufacturing industries – while driving innovation and prosperity for the community, region and state.

Neosho County E-Community (Grow Neosho County)

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Ness County Economic Development

Provides community, business and tourism services to Ness County.

Newton Area Chamber of Commerce

The mission of the Newton Area Chamber of Commerce is to lead, support and influence economic vitality.

The vision of the Newton Area Chamber of Commerce is economic vitality through a relevant and proactive business community.

NonprofitGO Inc

NonprofitGO Inc (NPGO) mentors and educates nonprofit organizations to help them achieve sustainability, build capacity, and enhance their quality of community services.

North Central Kansas Community Network

North Central Kansas Community Network, Co. (NCKCN) is a non-profit organization specializing in not-for-profit Internet service provisions and related services that foster economic development for the benefit of citizens in North Central Kansas.

North Central Regional Planning Commission

Free review of feasibility of obtaining financing and discuss potential programs available for start-up, purchase and/or expansion of business including eligibility requirements. Also prepare loan applications from data provided by client for a fee.

Northeast Johnson County Chamber of Commerce

Provides business assistance, networking opportunities, public relations, & other services related to growth & development

Northeast Kansas Enterprise Facilitation

Provide free, confidential business management coaching to aspiring entrepreneurs & existing business owners.

Northwest Kansas Economic Innovation Center

Serving Economic Development needs in the 26 Northwest Kansas Counties.

Northwest Kansas Planning & Development Commission (NWKPDC)

The NWKP&DC and PCDI complete business finance packages, do financial analysis on business projects, strategic planning for communities or the region, and complete Community Development Block Grants for communities.

Norton Area Chamber of Commerce

We work to promote the Chamber Businesses of Norton.

Norton City/County Economic Development

Dedicated to enhancing the economic strength of Norton County by recruiting new employers, retaining existing employers and improving the quality of life for all of Norton County.

Norton County Community Foundation

Norton County Community Foundation gives residents an opportunity to invest in their community through wills, trusts, life insurance and gifts. It benefits the giver, the gift is forever and every dollar is used to benefit Norton County.

"Dedicated to serving today for tomorrow, to make our community a better place in which to live."

Norton County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.


The NXTSTAGE pilot competition helps entrepreneurs grow their young companies by connecting them to interested customers ready to implement innovations that can improve their operations and help serve their markets better. NXSTAGE is open to startups around the world that have deployment-ready technologies able to add immediate value to businesses and communities. This pilot competition is hosted by NXTUS in Wichita, Kansas.


NXTUS is a catalyst for the region's startup ecosystem. We help entrepreneurs launch and grow highly scalable businesses, and connect the business community with the innovation that startups provide. We fuel this growth with purposeful connections, action-orientated programs, and initiatives that provide access to capital.

Oberlin-Decatur Area Economic Development Corporation

Works with entrepreneurs to help build a business plan & target possible financial resources that fit the needs. Business start-up, expansion and transition.

Olathe Chamber of Commerce

The Olathe Chamber is the voice that advances the community's economic well-being & quality of life

Olathe Chamber of Commerce

The Olathe Chamber is the largest chamber in Johnson County with over 1,300 member businesses located throughout the Kansas City metro. The Olathe Chamber's goal is to help grow businesses in Olathe.

Omni Circle Group, inc

To unite and strengthen communities through social and economic development.

Osage County Economic Development

The Osage County Economic Development Department is a "new again" department. I am only in my first week serving as the Director. I am interested in joining, learning, and contributing to this community.

Osawatomie Chamber of Commerce

Chamber Mission: To promote and enhance economic growth and development for Osawatomie and its business community through leadership, education and communication.

Osborne Economic Development

I provide assistance in all areas

Ottawa County Economic Development

The Ottawa County Economic Development Office is dedicated to promoting Ottawa County as a first class community for families and businesses.

Ottawa Main Street

Ottawa Main Street Association is a nonprofit that provides services in the areas of design, business development, preservation planning, & promotions in order to serve the entities that have a vested interest in the revitalization & growth of downtown Ottawa including property owners, business owners, government agencies, individuals, visitors, & local customers.

Overland Park Chamber of Commerce

The Overland Park Chamber of Commerce seeks to enhance the economic environment and quality of life in the Overland Park, Kan., community.

Overland Park Economic Development Council

<p>Provides demographic, real estate & general business development consulting services to promote business in Overland Park</p>

Overland Park, Kansas SBDC at JCCC

Free confidential advising. Affordable training. Provides Kansas entrepreneurs support and resources to achieve business success. Host: Johnson County Community College

Paola Chamber of Commerce

Assists businesses in funding, locating, researching, planning, and finding resources.

Parsons Chamber of Commerce

Parsons Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization working towards the betterment of our local economy, business, and community.

Pawnee County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Pawnee County Economic Development/Larned Area Chamber of Commerce

We assist individuals/groups who are interested in developing a business in the Pawnee County area.

Phillips County Community Foundation

We are a 501(c)(3) Kansas Nonprofit Corporation dedicated to promoting civic pride, community cohesiveness, encouraging community projects, raising/granting funds, and providing avenues for the community to financially support their interests.

Phillips County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Phillips County Economic Development

Countywide Economic Development office providing assistance to new and existing businesses, entrepreneurs and community projects.

Phillipsburg Chamber & Main Street

Assists existing downtown businesses and start-up businesses find funding and locations to expand or set up their businesses

Pioneer Country Development

The NWKP&DC and PCDI complete business finance packages, do financial analysis on business projects, strategic planning for communities or the region, and complete Community Development Block Grants for communities.


Pipeline is an elite organization of the Midwest’s most successful, high-performance entrepreneurs. Our Members work as one to face business challenges, funnel opportunities to their peers and build market-leading technology and life-sciences business together.

Pittsburg, Kansas SBDC at PSU

Free confidential consultation. Provides Kansas entrepreneurs support and resources to achieve business success. Host: Pittsburg State University

Plug and Play

We catalyze technological advancement by connecting corporations with the brightest startups across the globe.


Connect with us to harness the power of applied learning and research. Whether it's training, partnerships or employer connections, we're here for you.

Pottawatomie County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Pottawatomie County Economic Development Corporation

We are a county-wide development organization engaged in marketing to potential new businesses, visitors & residents, land development & sales, local business assistance & community development.

Pratt Area Chamber of Commerce

The Pratt Area Chamber of Commerce is a
non-profit volunteer organization whose mission is to initiate, support and advance economic, civic and cultural growth, enhancing the quality of life in Pratt.

Pratt Area Economic Development Corporations

Technical and financial assistance

Rawlins County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.


Assist businesses in ownership transition, succession planning, business valuation, business sales and acquisitions. Provide guidance and counselling to potential buyers. Equally assist both sides by helping the parties negotiate a fair value to make a win-win deal and complete the purchase transaction. All services are offered free of charge.

Reno County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Republic County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Republic County Economic Development Corporation

Republic County Economic Development Corporation assists the county to prepare for new businesses as well as retaining existing businesses. In addition, the corporation also assists the county with community development & tourism.

Rice County Community Foundation

Community Foundation serving Rice County.

Rice County Community Foundation, Inc.

Rice County Community Foundation provides an umbrella for not-for profit organizations in Rice County and beyond for financial, bookkeeping and other services.

Rice County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Rice County Economic Development

We offer resources to help our current businesses stay viable. We also help start-ups with business plans and business development. We have local loan funds and partner with others for funding. We also help facilitate infrastructure grants and loans for our businesses.


Located in the heart of the Flint Hills, Riley County is home to 72,000 people.

Riley County/Manhattan E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Rooks County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Rooks County Economic Development

Rooks County Economic Development provides services for startup businesses by giving entrepreneurs advice on where to start with their business idea.

Rose Hill Chamber of Commerce

The Rose Hill Chamber of Commerce is the committed champion of the Rose Hill and surrounding area businesses.

Rural Community Partners, Inc.

At Rural Community Partners, we view health equity with an entrepreneurial lens. We aim to increase access to opportunity to build small businesses and generational wealth.

Rural Development Association of Northeast Kansas

Assist in areas related to starting & operating a business, finding financial backing for small & larger businesses.

Rush County Economic Development

“The purpose of our committee is to work to bring people in the county together as a community, increase the quality of life in order to attract new residents, stimulate business growth and development, and make greater opportunity for youth.”

Russell County Area Community Foundation

Our mission is to enhance quality of life, today and in the future, by:

Enabling donors to fulfill their charitable desires
Building a permanent endowment
Facilitating prudent management and care of funds
Meeting needs through grants, awards, and scholarships

Russell County E-Community

E-Communities partner with NetWork Kansas to establish a locally-administered loan fund to assist entrepreneurs with capital, increase connectivity to resources, initiate activities, and collaborate in a statewide partnership with other E-Communities.

Russell County Economic Development

The Russell Co Economic Development is to further the economic development of Russell County, the communitites within the county and its environs.

Russell Main Street

Russell Main Street strives for: a proven strategy for revitalization, a powerful network of linked communities, & a local, state and national support program that leads the field.

Salina Area Chamber of Commerce

Economic and community development organization serving the Salina and Saline County region.