e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

e2 In-Depth: Rural Retailing and Area Spending Capture

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems In the United States, we are firmly rooted in a consumer-based economy. Every day we make money and then spend it, meeting our material needs and wants. Our spending is wide-ranging, from basic housing and food to that great new car or trip to the...

e2 In-Depth: Insights from Ord, Nebraska

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems We are excited to announce that our rural community prosperity development e-Learning Courses are now available online. This free professional development resource is a guided case study on the community of Ord, Nebraska – a small Great Plains community demonstrating that entrepreneur-led development...

e2 In-Depth: Regional Development and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Building

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Over the decades e2 has worked throughout North America. We observed that rural communities who partnered with strong regional development organizations had more robust and successful economic development. This month, we share a new podcast episode, Regional Development and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Building. We also...

e2 In-Depth: New Resources for 2022

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems At e2, we not only have written a chapter (more on that below), but we have new resources we are excited to share this year! Throughout 2022 we plan to focus on three themes: 1. Transformative Change and Entrepreneurship We are releasing our remarkable story collection on Ord,...

e2 In-Depth: New Resident Attraction – Development Opportunities for Rural America

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, with  Kimberlee Spillers

People attraction, development, and retention is an essential element in growing more prosperous rural communities. It is also one of e2’s top 10 likely entrepreneurial development opportunities. When we attract new residents, support resident development, and create communities that are...

e2 In-Depth: Tourism-Led Development, Opportunities for Rural America

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, with  Kimberlee Spillers

This month’s feature paper, Tourism-Led Development, Opportunities for Rural America, provides strategies for growing a more competitive, higher value, diverse, and resilient economy around tourism and people attraction. Read more and listen to the

e2 In-Depth: Marginalized Rural Americans

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, with  Kimberlee Spillers

These days, America seems so divided and too much of rural America’s landscape is challenged by increasingly marginalized populations. In the September feature piece, Marginalized Rural Americans, Economic Development Implications, we discuss some causes and effects of marginalization...

e2 In-Depth: Energizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Building in Keene, New Hampshire

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, with Mary Ann Kristiansen

Energizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Building in Keene, New Hampshire

This month’s downloadable story and podcast episode focuses on Mary Ann and the highly successful efforts by the Center to foster and support entrepreneurs in Southwestern New Hampshire. This...

e2 In-Depth: Retiree-Led Development

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, with Kimberlee Spillers

Retiree-Led Development A Likely Entrepreneurial Development Opportunity

For Rural America, possibly the largest under-recognized entrepreneurial development opportunity is related to retirees. While the United States is aging, it is not aging as fast when compared to Europe, Japan, or even...

e2 In-Depth: Foundational Infrastructure for Entrepreneurial Communities

By: Don Macke, e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, with a spotlight on SourceLink

In the last few years, my home state of Nebraska undertook strategic visioning. Our good friend and serial entrepreneur Jim Jenkins chaired the Entrepreneurship Industry Council as part of Blueprint Nebraska. Jim and his Council members traveled...